Laughing Bag


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Gyahahahahaha!That joke is hysterical!"Laughing Bag", the Way of LaughterRanked 1st for some time on the iPhone Apps General Ranking
The laughing bag is a popular toy known to all children across the world!And we have made an iPhone app out of it!Its name is: "Laughing Bag"!
◆What does it do?
- It laughs
That's all!(You can choose between a man's, a woman's or a slightly queer voice)
◆ Three ways to make it laugh.- Touch the screen!- Make it react to a sound!- Shake your phone!
(You can choose between the three)
[Very convenient in these kinds of situations! How to use "Laughing Bag":]1. When your gag was so unfunny that everyone's gaping at you2. When you feel lonely because nobody would laugh at you bumping yourknee against the corner of the door. Ouch!3. You just want to cheer up yourself.
◆PrecautionsBe careful not to laugh too much!